Chapter 14
reporting revision
IAS 1 Presentation of Financial Statements: This
standard provides formats for the statement of profit or loss and other
comprehensive income, statement of financial position, and statement of
changes in equity.
Accounting policies should be selected so that the financial
statements comply with all international standards and interpretations.
IAS 1 requires that other comprehensive income is presented in two categories,
namely items that:
• will not be reclassified to profit or loss, and
• may be reclassified to profit or loss in future reporting
IAS 2 Inventories: Inventories should be valued 'at
the lower of cost and net realisable value' (IAS 2, para 9). IAS
2 says that the cost of inventory includes:
• Purchase price including import duties, transport and
handling costs
• Direct production costs e.g. direct labour
• Direct expenses and subcontracted work
• Production overheads (based on the normal levels of
• Other overheads, if attributable to bringing the product
or service to its present location and condition.
IAS 2 specifies that cost excludes:
• Abnormal waste
• Storage costs
• Indirect administrative overheads
• Selling costs.
Some entities can identify individual units of inventory
(e.g. vehicles can be identified by a chassis number). Those that cannot should
keep track of costs using either the first in, first out (FIFO) or the weighted
average cost (AVCO) assumption.
Some entities may use standard costing for valuing
inventory. Standard costs may be used for convenience if it is a close
approximation to actual cost, and is regularly reviewed and revised.
IAS 7 Statement of Cash Flows: IAS 7 requires a
statement of cash flow that shows cash flows generated from:
• Operating activities
• Investing activities
• Financing activities.
IAS 10 Events After the Reporting Period
Definitions: Events after the reporting period are 'those
events, favourable and unfavourable, that occur between the statement of
financial position date and the date when the financial statements are
authorised for issue' (IAS 10, para 3).
Adjusting events after the reporting period are those that
'provide evidence of conditions that existed at the reporting date' (IAS 10, para
Non-adjusting events after the reporting period are 'those
that are indicative of conditions that arose after the reporting period' (IAS
10, para 3b).
Accounting treatment: Adjusting events affect the
amounts stated in the financial statements so they must be adjusted.
Non-adjusting events do not concern the position as at the
reporting date so the financial statements are not adjusted. If the event is
material then the nature and its financial effect must be disclosed.
IAS 16 Property Plant and Equipment
Cost and depreciation of an asset: IAS 16 states that
property, plant and equipment is initially recognised at cost.
An asset’s cost is its purchase price, less any trade
discounts or rebates, plus any further costs directly attributable to bringing
it into working condition for its intended use.
Subsequent expenditure on non-current assets is capitalised
if it:
• Enhances the economic benefits of the asset e.g. adding a
new wing to a building.
• Replaces part of an asset that has been separately
depreciated and has been fully depreciated; e.g. furnace that requires new
linings periodically.
• Replaces economic benefits previously consumed, e.g. a
major inspection of aircraft.
The aim of depreciation is to spread the cost of the asset
over its life in the business.
• IAS 16 requires that the depreciation method and useful
life of an asset should be reviewed at the end of each year and revised where necessary.
This is not a change in accounting policy, but a change of accounting estimate.
• If an asset has parts with different lives, (e.g. a
building with a flat roof), the component parts should be capitalised and
depreciated separately.
Revaluation of property, plant and equipment: Revaluation
of PPE is optional. If one asset is revalued, all assets in that class
must be revalued.
Valuations should be kept up to date to ensure that the
carrying amount does not differ materially from the fair value at each
statement of financial position date.
Revaluation gains are credited to other comprehensive
income unless the gain reverses a previous revaluation loss of the same
asset previously recognised in the statement of profit or loss.
Revaluation losses are debited to the statement of profit or
loss unless the loss relates to a previous revaluation surplus, in which case
the decrease should be debited to other comprehensive income to the extent of
any credit balance existing in the revaluation surplus relating to that asset.
Depreciation is charged on the revalued amount less residual
value (if any) over the remaining useful life of the asset.
An entity may choose to make an annual transfer of excess
depreciation from revaluation reserve to retained earnings. If this is done, it
should be applied consistently each year.
IAS 27 Separate Financial Statements: This standard
applies when an entity has interests in subsidiaries, joint ventures or
associates and either elects to, or is required to, prepare separate non-consolidated
financial statements.
If separate financial statements are produced, investments
in subsidiaries, associates or joint ventures can be measured:
• At cost
• using the equity method
• In accordance with IFRS 9 Financial Instruments.
IAS 28 Investments in associates and joint ventures
Joint ventures: A joint venture is a 'joint
arrangement whereby the parties that have joint control of the arrangement have
rights to the net assets of the arrangement' (IAS 28, para 3). This will
normally be established in the form of a separate entity to conduct the
joint venture activities.
Associates: An associate is defined as an entity 'over
which the investor has significant influence' (IAS 28, para 3).
Significant influence is the 'power to participate in the
financial and operating policy decisions of the investee but is not control or
joint control over those policies' (IAS 28, para 3).
It is normally assumed that significant influence exists if
the holding company has a shareholding of 20% to 50%.
Equity accounting: In the consolidated financial
statements of a group, an investment in an associate or joint venture is
accounted for using the equity method.
The consolidated statement of profit or loss will
show a single figure in respect of the associate or joint venture. This is
calculated as the investor’s share of the associate or joint venture's profit
for the period.
In the consolidated statement of financial position,
the ‘investment in the associate/joint venture’ is presented in non-current
assets. It is calculated as the initial cost of the investment plus/(minus) the
investor's share of the post-acquisition reserve increase/(decrease).
The associate or joint venture is outside the group.
Therefore transactions and balances between group companies and the associate or
joint venture are not eliminated from the consolidated financial statements.
IAS 37 Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent
Assets: IAS 37 provides the following definitions:
• A provision is 'a liability of uncertain timing or amount'
(IAS 37, para 10).
• A contingent liability is a possible obligation arising
from past events whose existence will only be confirmed by an uncertain future
event outside of the entity's control.
• A contingent asset is a possible asset that arises from
past events and whose existence will only be confirmed by an uncertain future event
outside of the entity’s control.
Provisions: Provisions should be recognised when:
• An entity has a present obligation (legal or constructive)
as a result of a past event
• It is probable that an outflow of economic benefits will
be required to settle the obligation, and
• A reliable estimate can be made of the amount of the
Measurement of provisions:
• The provision amount should be the best estimate of the expenditure
required to settle the present obligation.
• Where the time value of money is material, the provision
should be discounted to present value.
Restructuring provisions:
• Provisions can only be recognised where an entity has a constructive
obligation to carry out the restructuring.
• A constructive obligation arises when there is a detailed
formal plan which identifies:
− The business concerned
− The principal location, function and approximate number of
employees being made redundant
− The expenditures that will be incurred
− When the plan will be implemented
− There is a valid expectation that the plan will be carried
out by either implementing the plan or announcing it to those affected.
Specific guidance:
• Future operating losses should not be recognised.
• Onerous contracts should be recognised for the present
obligation under the contract.
Contingent liabilities should not be recognised. They
should be disclosed unless the possibility of a transfer of economic benefits
is remote.
Contingent assets should not be recognised. If the
possibility of an inflow of economic benefits is probable they should be
IAS 38 Intangible Assets: IAS 38 says that an
intangible asset is 'an identifiable non-monetary asset without
physical substance' (IAS 38, para 8).
Initial recognition: IAS 38 states that an intangible
asset is initially recognised at cost if all of the following criteria
are met.
(1) It is identifiable – it could be disposed of without
disposing of the business at the same time.
(2) It is controlled by the entity – the entity has the
power to obtain economic benefits from it, for example patents and copyrights
give legal rights to future economic benefits.
(3) It will generate probable future economic benefits for
the entity – this could be by a reduction in costs or increasing revenues.
(4) The cost can be measured reliably.
If an intangible does not meet the recognition criteria,
then it should be charged to the statement of profit or loss as expenditure is
Items that do not meet the criteria are internally generated
goodwill, brands, mastheads, publishing titles, customer lists, research, advertising,
start-up costs and training.
Subsequent treatment: Intangible assets should be
amortised over their useful lives.
If it can be demonstrated that the useful life is indefinite
no amortisation should be charged, but an annual impairment review must be
carried out.
Intangible assets can be revalued but fair values must be
determined with reference to an active market. Active markets have homogenous products,
willing buyers and sellers at all times and published prices. In practical
terms, most intangible assets are likely to be valued using the cost model.
Research and development: The recognition of
internally generated intangible assets is split into a research phase
and a development phase.
Costs incurred in the research phase must be charged to the
statement of profit or loss as they are incurred.
IAS 38 says that costs incurred in the development phase
should be recognised as an intangible asset if they meet the following
(a) The project is technically feasible
(b) The asset will be completed then used or sold
(c) The entity is able to use or sell the asset
(d) The asset will generate future economic benefits (either
because of internal use or because there is a market for it)
(e) The entity has adequate technical, financial and other
resources to complete the project
(f) The expenditure on the project can be reliably measured.
Amortisation of development costs will occur over the period
that benefits are expected.
IFRS 3 Business Combinations: On acquisition of a
subsidiary, the purchase consideration transferred and the identifiable
net assets acquired are recorded at fair value.
Fair value is 'the price that would be received to sell an
asset or paid to transfer a liability in an orderly transaction between market participants
at the measurement date' (IFRS 13, para 9).
Purchase consideration: Purchase consideration is
measured at fair value. Note that:
• Deferred cash consideration should be discounted to
present value using a rate at which the acquirer could obtain similar
• The fair value of the acquirer’s own shares is the market
price at the acquisition date.
• Contingent consideration is included as part of the
consideration at its fair value, even if payment is not probable.
Goodwill and the non-controlling interest: The
non-controlling interest (NCI) at acquisition is measured at either:
• Fair value, or
• The NCI's proportionate share of the fair value of the
subsidiary’s identifiable net assets.
Gain on bargain purchase: If the net assets acquired
exceed the fair value of consideration, then a gain on bargain purchase
(negative goodwill) arises.
After checking that the calculations have been done
correctly, the gain on bargain purchase is credited to profit or loss.
Other adjustments: Other consolidation adjustments
need to be made in order to present the parent its subsidiaries as a
single economic entity. Transactions that require adjustments include:
• Interest on intragroup loans
• Intragroup management charges
• Intragroup sales, purchases and unrealised profit in
• Intragroup transfer of non-current assets and unrealised
profit on transfer
• Intragroup receivables, payables and loans.
IFRS 10 Consolidated Financial Statements: IFRS 10
states that consolidated financial statements must be prepared if one
company controls another company.
Control, according to IFRS 10, consists of three
(1) Power over the investee: this is normally
exercised through the majority of voting rights, but could also arise through
other contractual arrangements.
(2) Exposure or rights to variable returns (positive
and/or negative), and
(3) The ability to use power to affect the investor's
It is normally assumed that control exists when one company
owns more than half of the ordinary shares in another company.
IFRS 15 Revenue from Contracts with Customers: Revenue
recognition is a five step process.
(1) Identify the contract: A contract is an agreement
between two or more parties that creates rights and obligations.
(2) Identify the separate performance obligations within
a contract: Performance obligations are, essentially, promises made to a
(3) Determine the transaction price: The transaction
price is the amount the entity expects to be entitled in exchange for
satisfying all performance obligations. Amounts collected on behalf of third
parties (such as sales tax) are excluded.
(4) Allocate the transaction price to the performance
obligations in the contract: The total transaction price should be
allocated to each performance obligation in proportion to stand-alone
selling prices.
(5) Recognise revenue when (or as) a performance
obligation is satisfied: For each performance obligation an entity must
determine whether it satisfies the performance obligation over time or
at a point in time.
An entity satisfies a performance obligation over time if
one of the following criteria is met:
(a) 'the customer simultaneously receives and consumes
the benefits provided by the entity’s performance as the entity performs
(b) The entity’s performance creates or enhances an asset
(for example, work in progress) that the customer controls as the asset is
created or enhanced, or
(c) The entity’s performance does not create an asset
with an alternative use to the entity and the entity has an enforceable right
to payment for performance completed to date' (IFRS 15, para 35).
For a performance obligation satisfied over time, an entity recognises
revenue based on progress towards satisfaction of that performance obligation.
If a performance obligation is not satisfied over time then
it is satisfied at a point in time. The entity must determine the point in time
at which a customer obtains control of the promised asset.
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